Valerie had the privilege of being a foster mom to foster children. Out of this experience, she adopted a beautiful redheaded baby girl. Her daughter is now a strong, young woman who has stood against learning disabilities and limitations. She yearns to see more adoptive parents and children trained and equipped so that everyone can discover their options. Valerie believes joy can be found when and where you least expect it: even amid the trials of the hardships of life. Valerie’s daughter, is one of her's greatest joys as well as her husband. As the founder of Walking on Water Living.
Valerie is passionate about coaching men, women, and children to develop their true selves. Because she grew up in a challenging family environment, this has led her to a deep relationship with the Lord, filling her with amazing joy. This has ignited a new sense of empowerment to coach others to take steps to discover their joy and authenticity available to them.